Sunday, September 26, 2010
Healty Smoking with electronic cigaretes
Cigarette habit is a habit that is not healt.Because inhaled smoke contains over 5,000 substances that are harmful to the body and can be said for the body of toxic substances.
There have been many casualties as a result of smoking, from lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, impotence until interruption of pregnancy /baby.Content high tar and nicotine contained in tobacco smoke is a major cause of health disorders of the body.
Lately there is a fairly safe cigarette products for the body and health, the so-called electronic cigarettes. This electroniccigarettes can also used as a therapy for heavy smokers to gradually eliminate the smoking habit.
What is an Electronic Cigarette?
Electronic cigarette smoking is the all new electronic alternative that looks and feels like a cigarette, but instead of burning tobacco and produce smoke, were free to evaporate a tar, nicotine and odorless liquid called "eliquid" become like a steam fog. steam is just like smoke. Each unit is automatically controlled by an air flow sensor or button located on the side of the battery. Once activated, the red led lights shining down gradually cause it looks like you're really smoking. His experience is very similar to traditional cigarettes and there are many positive reviews praising these ecig.
Why Switch to Electronic Cigarettes?
electronic cigarette tar free, odorless, does not produce smoke, smoke hand 2, or carbon dioxide. They do not have to list, they do not produce a cigarette butt or ash, they do not burn you or your property, they do not smell up the house or car, and they greatly reduce the risk of fire. They keep their users a lot of money, they could smoke anywhere, and you can even choose your desired level of nicotine. electronic cigarette is a wonderful alternative to traditional tobacco and who smoked in the past really have to give shots.
Electronic Cigarette - Tips and Information
Electronic cigarettes or cigarette electricity has been around for several years now and many people still do not understand how they work. If you are considering to invest in electronic cigarette, you need to know what you got inside, how to buy the right products, and comparison of tobacco products for real. Here are some tips and insight about the electronic cigarette.
Electric cigarette-designed so that they can smoke anywhere. If you live in a city or country where prohibited smoking in public places, you no longer have to worry about it. You can smoke anywhere you want, whenever you want because there are no harmful fumes emitted by actual electronic smoking.
-You can choose from menthol, non-menthol, and regular strength cigarettes when you buy the cartridge, allows you to have the same smoking experience without interruption or legality. You can easily buy different cartridges so you can have a different cigarette in hand, too.
-Cartridges last about the same amount of time such as 10-20 cigarettes depending on the model. Therefore, you will spend far less on smoking and get more in the long term. It's obvious advantages for anyone who feels like they spend too much on their habits.
Electronic cigarette-easy to use. You can get information from the retailer before you buy if you want to learn more about how they work or who would be best for you. Cigarettes only requires batteries to operate, and they will provide a unique smoking experience whether you're sitting in the office or on the train, or anywhere else for that matter.
Electronic cigarette-quickly became very popular. Many people turn to it because of the limited smoking in public, and keep coming back because it is a fun way to smoke. There is no real smoke, no ash, and not messy to handle. You can only enjoy a few sprays of your cigarette and then continue with what you're doing without having to excuse yourself or wait for hours without smoking. It's a win-win for almost everyone, which is why smokers have to check the electronic cigarette out for themselves and see what they can find to appreciate.
Real cigarette electronic cigarette vs.
cigarette butt
No butts about it. Because the use of electronic cigarettes nicotine tobacco eliquid not burned, there are cigarette butts or ashes are not produced. This means that you will no longer require an ash tray, will never see a bunch of cigarette butts, or allow them to smell a car or house.
Real Cigarette Ingredients:
ECigarette Material:
-Carbon Monoxide
-Acetone (Nail Polish Remover)
-Ammonia (Toilet Cleaner)
-Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
-Arsenic (Rat Poison)
-Cadmium (Used Battery)
-Hydrogen Cyanide (Poison)
* More than 3990 more chemicals!
-Nicotine Optional (0 - 16mg)
-Propylene Glycol
-Flavor Essence
-Distilled Water
Combustible smoke (Cigarette Real) vs. Steam (Cigarette Power):
One of the main benefits of the electronic cigarette or e CIG is that it does not contain smoke burn, but produces steam. How they work actually lit cigarette and burned plant material, such as leaf tobacco, to make the nicotine laced smoke and then the user will inhale. When the burning of leaves of tobacco smoke produced by combustion, carbon monoxide is also produced. Carbon monoxide prevents the blood's ability to carry oxygen when inhaled. Inhaling smoke, no matter the substance, is bad for you. When you combine the 4000 chemicals found in cigarettes, it's really deadly.
Electronic cigarette work much smarter and use the new technology is introduced to cut each atomization burning smoke. Electronic Cigarette will quickly heat up a special fluid mixed solution, which may or may not contain nicotine. This rapid heating causes evaporation of liquid and will change the state of matter from liquid to vapor. users then inhale the steam as they normally smoke. The benefit of this is that there is no smoke on fire, what looks like smoke is actually a liquid that has evaporated. One can think of steam from boiling water as an example.
Use ECig who Anywhere!
Because the electronic cigarette does not produce smoke is not classified as a smoking product. This means you can smoke in the room or other places that have banned smoking traditional. So go ahead and you can start vaping in the room! Although there should be discussion before hand to show that you are using electronic cigarettes or smokeless tobacco, you can start using e-cigarette or e CIG anywhere you want. Some amazing new places to try CIG your power is:
-In your house!
-In the workplace
-Movie Theater
This list just goes on and on! You are no longer limited by smoking you enjoy and can begin smoking almost anywhere you want.
Rechargeable electronic cigarette that is cheaper than real cigarettes.
Refill cartridges start at around $ 2.00 cartridge, which is equivalent to $ 2.00 packs. To offer greater savings we provide users the ability to refill your own cartridges with our various E-CIG E-liquids. One liquid refill bottle with a full pack of cigarettes, and costs just $ 14.95. Which broke out to about $ 1.49 for a pack of cigarettes.
Tobacco Tax Free Cigarettes with Electric.
Electronic cigarettes are not categorized as a traditional cigarette. This means that they are big you have to pay tax on real CIGS does not apply to electronic cigarettes. Some real cigarette tax is shameful and in some situations can be a real burden on consumers.
Here are some examples of some of the high tobacco tax rates. (Noted in the amount per pack)
-New Jersey - $ 2.70
-New York - $ 2.75
-Connecticut - $ 3.00
-Rhode Island - $ 3.46
With the current economic and financial crisis as a nation we are, not just a good idea but now more than the need for everyone to get the best bank for your money. This tax cut does not make sense of your daily routine is to start a fast and easy.
CIG electricity affiliates
Calling Affiliate Marketers! People want to buy an electronic cigarette!
Electronic Cigarettes Affiliate Program is a way for webmasters, website owners, and individuals to promote our e cigarettes and get a commission with each of your landing ground. Affiliate began in the commission of 20% with FREE BONUS SignUp $ 5.00. Electronic Cigarettes Join our affiliate program, there's nothing to lose and a lot of money to gain! Click here for more information.
electronic cigarette wholesaler
Want to sell the Electronic Cigarette? We sell Wholesale Electronic Cigarette at huge discounts!
Yes we carry wholesale program for our Electronic CIGS. If you are interested in electronic cigarette wholesale please visit our dealer section for more information about buying in bulk for resale. - We offer the absolute lowest price on any wholesale electronic cigarette. It only takes a few minutes to register and you can immediately begin electronic cigarettesat in purchasing wholesale discounts.
Electronic Cigarette Articles
The Electronic Cigarette bring about an evolution in the smoking rooms as we Know it - 09/14/2010
With the advent of cutting-edge new smoking alternative, we may begin to see the cigarette tobacco is reduced to less popular, if not obsolete, practice.
One day, a very, very long time someone happens to find a tobacco plant. At some point someone decided to light on fire and inhaling tobacco smoke. People who happen to enjoy it, so that from that day, that pretty much what we stuck to. Since that day, for the moment we have not found an alternative that we enjoy as well as tobacco and nicotine that we receive with it. That is, until now.
With the help of technology now makes it possible to feel like you smoked a cigarette without tobacco is really dangerous burns and smoke inhalation. It's called the electronic cigarette and use steam instead of smoke, even though you are still receiving nicotine if you choose. Small device looks almost identical to an actual and even lighting cigarettes with every drag, even though you never really need an open fire for using e cigarette. CIG e only depends on the evaporation process to convert water into steam-based fluid that resembles thick smoke very closely.
Cigarette E definitely has the legs on a traditional cigarette. Since no combustion occurs with CIG e, no carbon monoxide and tar produced as you use it, based only water vapor. And by not making the former smoke (smoke or in this case) you can use the electronic cigarette anywhere you want, regardless of whether or not the smoking ban. E produce steam that CIG did not smell and does not leave the smell of smoke attached to anything, including people who use them.
It took us hundreds of years, but it looks like we will eventually come up with something to provide escape tobacco money. With all the positive aspects of the electronic cigarettes have more than cigarette tobacco, it's time we break the routine.
Electronic Cigarette Smoking reinvents - 09/10/2010
A popular new smoking alternative that uses new technology to put a positive spin on the familiar customs that have existed since the dawn of time.
Lately, with the price of tobacco on the rise as they are, people have been left looking for other options. Well, the best alternative may only appear and are called electronic cigarettes. The electronic cigarette is a small piece of technology that looks identical to a real cigarette and uses steam instead of smoke.
In essence, e cigarette use something called atomizer to vaporize the water-based fluid, which may contain nicotine with a choice. So as users inhale from CIG e, they get a large amount of steam that is as substantial as smoke they would get from cigarettes and nicotine to bring sensation around full circle. Rooms E and even uses LED lights on the end to mimic the feel of a real cigarette as closely as possible.
Electronic Cigarette has many advantages over tobacco cigarettes, because no one was burned during the evaporation process. Because of this fact, the steam of e CIG does not contain tar or carbon monoxide. Steam generated by the cigarette smell e usually do not disturb others and not regarded as passive smokers, which means that you can use the e cigarette practically anywhere in public even if smoking tobacco is prohibited. No ashes or cigarette butts are produced by CIG e and no fire is involved means there is no chance cigarette burns on furniture or clothing.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect for many people is the fact that electronic cigarettes are very affordable and far cheaper to continue to use when compared to traditional cigarette. Taken in with the other benefits offered by e CIG, no wonder why electronic cigarettes became the most popular alternative to cigarettes and respected around it.
Electronic Cigarettes provide an alternative to smoking real cigarettes
Gamucci Micro Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit
-One (1) Electronic Cigarette Gamucci
-Two (2) rechargeable batteries
-Velvet Carry Case
-Five (5) Regular (16 mg of nicotine) cartridge strength
Gamucci Micro Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit ($ 71.99)
You must book 21
What's that
Smoking Gamucci is an electronic device, also known as electronic cigarettes. It is a product completely non-flammable state of art technology that uses micro-electronic technology to give users a real smoking experience without the tobacco and tar found in real cigarettes. Looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette, but did not. It is so much more.
Gamucci offers smokers an alternative to smoke, no tar found in cigarette smoke real. They still get their nicotine hit, but without the tar and other hazardous chemicals and negative side effects from smoking tobacco. Gamucci offers users so many advantages over smoking traditional cigarettes. This product is free of tar & other carcinogenic substances. It is non-flammable and without the danger of exposing users to 4000 chemical substances produced by normal cigarettes. No secondhand smoke, so that is not harmful to others. It can be used again so there's no problem with throwing cigarette butts and ashes.
Most people who smoke, smoke because they enjoy, emotional and physical sensation of touch. Gamucci provides all the same pleasures, but without all the problems commonly associated with traditional smoking. Leading reasons people use Gamucci include: reduced intake of tar and other chemicals that cause cancer, the freedom to smoke anywhere, social inclusion versus isolation, no first or second hand smoke, virtually odorless, the cost of non-flammable, easy to use and significantly lower than smoking cigarettes.
This is not a device to stop smoking, but smoking alternative.
How it works
Gamucci do the same to traditional smoking. Looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette and delivers all the pleasures of smoking, without all the problems. The secret of what makes the Gamucci better than traditional smoking is what is inside this revolutionary product.
Gamucci is driven by modern microelectronic technology. Body cigarettes is actually an integrated structure consisting of the cartridge, an atomization chamber, a smart chip controller and built in lithium battery. In front of the device operating mode indicator lights up when you use it, a bit like a real cigarette. The most interesting part of the Gamucci electronic cigarette is the atomisation chamber. This is where the magic happens and this part of the device responsible for creating steam like smoke, very much like a real cigarette. This steam is the result of dilution of nicotine, found in the cartridge, heating up or atomization. This produces steam that when inhaled gives the user the nicotine hit that smokers crave, but without negative side effects from smoking tobacco.
When using the Gamucci, the act of inhaling or smoking it produces tactile and desire satisfaction traditional smokers seek, and simulation of smoke emitted is actually a vapor mist that evaporates into the air without harm in a few seconds.
This product is amazing! I've been using my Gamucci for 3 months and have not really smoked cigarettes since. (Stephen M.)
My wife always hated the smell of cigarettes on his breath, often referring to my mouth as an ashtray.'' It is now a thing of the past. He never refused me now when I go to kiss her. (Mike D.)
Finally a product that allows me to smoke in my favorite restaurant. (Sarah S.)
I have been smoking for more than 30 years and have tried to give up every January but never lasted more than a week. Gum and the patch never worked but now with my Gamucci can get the nicotine hit me with a more healthy way. Its been 2 months since I smoke and I feel confident that with the help I wont Gamucci back. I recommend this everyone who wants to surrender. It works. (Angela P.)
It feels like a real cigarette. Im saving a lot of money. Large. (John R.)
My fitness level has definitely increased since the switch to the Gamucci. I know it's only 2 weeks but I already feel the difference. (Sean W.)
I love that I can smoke indoors. My friends are always trying to get out. They all want one. (P. Jenny)
I have three young children and feel better that they wont suffer the ill effects of passive smoking. I still have the occasional cigarette but Gamucci has helped me cut enough. (Mary C.)
Wow! What is a cool invention. I love this product. I will buy some as gifts for my friends. (George W.)
After introducing me to the bar of months ago I have realized that my income increases. I want to become a distributor. It is very likely to change the smoking habits of the nation. I actually sell your product and would highly recommend it to everyone. (F. Darren is the owner of a bar in Birmingham)
Just got my starter kit through today and was very impressed with the quality of packaging ... looking forward to new models. (Antoine L.)
my customers love it and all their friends to buy them as well. Everyone was surprised that they can smoke in the room and they all laughed at him. It was good for my business. (Ali C. Indian restaurant owner)
You must be 21 to order.
Gamucci Cigarette ElektronikMicro Starter Kit ($ 71.99)
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Electronic Cigarette Refill Cartridges | | cigar Electronics
Please see to:
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Alternative Options for Treating Allergic Rhinitis
by: Stacey M Kerr MD
Here in northern California, allergies are a significant health problem leading to fatigue, sick days from work and school, and secondary infections. Allergic rhinitis is a reaction to seasonal airborne allergens. It affects about 7 percent of the population of North America and is a risk factor for 88 percent of asthma patients. We have some excellent prescription medications for treating this, and there are many over-the-counter medications available also. However, BEWARE of the sedating effects of those nonprescription medications!!! Recent studies have shown that an individual on a therapeutic dose of diphenhydramine (Benedryl) is a more dangerous driver than one who is legally drunk on alcohol. Fortunately, there are also some effective alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis. Remember: no matter what method you use to treat your allergies, nasal rinsing to clear the mucus membranes of trapped allergens is essential. It only takes about 30 seconds, doesn't hurt a bit when done correctly, and makes all the difference. I recommend Nasopure®, a product developed by Dr. Hana Solomon, a pediatrician who has put together in one simple kit all you need for successful nasal rinsing. There is an excellent article about this on the Nasopure website ( If you are regularly using your Nasopure®, and still having difficulties, you can try some of the following remedies without significant side effects. Vitamin and mineral supplements: * Vitamin A - 10,000 IU/day * Vitamin B6 - 50-100 mg/day * Vitamin B5 - 50-75 mg/day * Vitamin C - 1,000 mg/day in 3 divided doses * Vitamin E - 400 IU/day * Zinc - 20-30 mg/day In addition some herbs and nutrients can help: Quercetin has anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory effects if you take it 250mg two or three times a day. Freeze-dried stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) can relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis at a dosage of 300mg twice a day. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), also called fish oil, can help asthma patients with allergies by stabilizing the airways. They come in capsules and the total dose of the combination should be 2-4 g/day. Acupuncture has given many patients significant relief. The Chinese medicine paradigm is very different than Western medicine, so I can not explain the mechanism of action. But I know that it is effective! See your doctor about allergy symptoms if you are unable to manage them on your own - the nonsedating antihistamines and anti-inflammatory nasal sprays available today are excellent in treating this significant health problem!
Stacey Marie Kerr, M.D. graduated from the University of California Davis Medical School in 1989 and is currently a board certified family physician. Dr. Kerr is a member of the California and American Academy of Family Physicians. She holds a B.S. in Education/Special Education from the University of Missouri, Columbia Missouri. She hosts a website the-doctors-inn.comthat provides personalized answers to medical questions.
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